Sunday, April 1, 2007

Things I've learned lately...

1. I'm no fan of the symphony.

2. It feels good to let people help.

3. It's okay to make mistakes.

4. I can trust myself.

5. It's going to work out.


Susan Miller said...

What a wonderful list! Isn't it strange how it seemed that we knew those things at one time, but they had to be relearned. One of my favorites was that some things must be of no consequence to me. I couldn't take on the world. In fact, for a while I walked around with this big grin on my face saying, "that is of no consequence to me." It was good stuff.

maleah said...

Susan, I understand that one. For me, I used to care so much for politics and the debate thereof. I read the front page and scanned the internet for articles deep and wide about issues I was passionate about. I had too much space in my head for things beyond what is truly important for my world for these days. Suddenly my sky is wider, and full of more stars, but my world is smaller. I have two little girls who need me more than ever and "worldly stuff" is of no consequence to me right now. If they plant a bomb down my throat, I'll deal with it, but I can't deal with it until it gets here. I live closer to the ground these days.

I don't have time for gossip, hell, I am the gossip. That's sort of fun for a girl who kept it between the ditches for a long time. Forgive me for intentionally throwing them a new tidbit every day or two with a smile. I'm having too much fun.

And the list keeps growing. I'm in the middle of a lesson right now. I'll post when it gels.