Tuesday, February 5, 2008


How I wish I had something to say.


Justin said...

I was going to write:
"Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool then to open your mouth and prove them right."

But my Mom is standing over my shoulder and she said that would be insulting.

So next time could she stay with you?


maleah said...


And so I did the right thing.

I have my own mommy issues, thanks.



realbigwings said...

Hi Maleah!

Do you look forward to wearing dresses again in the warm weather, dresses that make you twirl? I do. Our days have been getting sunnier and reminding me of spring, but there's a storm that may come in tonight.
My dresses dance in my closet while I sleep and dream of horses and dogs. This morning my alarm interupted my dream where I was explaining to a dog that sometimes dogs and horses just don't get along (though I was pretty sure the horse had yelled No! at him because the horse and dog each had a crush on me.)

I hope your days and dreams are lovely. And it's always nice to hear your voice.


maleah said...


HOW DID YOU KNOW? I bought a pair of yellow shoes just the other day in anticipation and thought how pretty they might be with a white summer dress. Warm with the thought.

But, yes, there is thunder and flashes of electric light and rain tickling the windows just this moment. The glass frosted over with the new chill. Sigh.

I dreamed of ringing bells that were made of copper and singing opera with my friend. Quite silly, but it beat the dream I had the other night where Tom Daschal was interviewing Michael Jackson about his blood sugar...

Dancing dresses... how perfect.


Pythia3 said...

Dear Maleah,
sometimes 'nothing' is enough and sometimes 'nothing' is everything there is . . .
Hope you are well in your silence.

eric1313 said...

Miss you, my friend. I've been gone for bit but I'm back.

Hope all is well with you and your little ones.